CS 230 An Enquiry: a Modern Edition of a Missions Classic by William Carey
CS 230 An Enquiry: a Modern Edition of a Missions Classic by William Carey
Needed for CS 230 - History of the Free Church
No book since the apostles has more positively impacted the means and methods of the church's mission to reach the entire world with the gospel than William Carey's An Enquiry. First published in 1792, Carey struck a match that set fire to English Particular Baptists not only to organize their first global missions society, but also sparked a continual flame of newly formed mission societies that expanded global missions for the next 100 years so far and wide, it led the eminent Yale church historian, Kenneth Scott Latourette, to proclaim the era "The Great Century" of Christian missions.
Though many republications have appeared since 1792, TMU Press honors Carey’s legacy by offering this missions classic in a more reader-friendly style for modern readers. Hence, much of the archaic language, grammar, paragraph breaks, and spellings have been updated for clarity while carefully avoiding neither the loss of Carey’s original intent nor his contagious passion for global missions. We trust readers will appreciate this new edition.